March 2021

March Reading Challenges

Can you believe it's already March? While I didn't read everything on my TBR for February, I definitely read a lot of what I had planned on reading and then some that I hadn't, so I'm pretty satisfied. Some people in my book club make little graphics of the books they read for the month, which are pretty cute.

Vaccine Distribution Seems Different Everywhere

If there's ever been an illustration of just what it means to have "states' rights," it is this pandemic. Have you ever seen so many variations in everything from mandates to effects, how serious or how cavalier people are regarding the virus or, lately, how vaccines are being distributed? Some states, like mine, aren't even considering teachers first responders while simultaneously expecting them to go back to work before getting a vaccine!

Consider Being a Foster Parent for Animals

Last year, animal shelters were reporting record lows as more pets seemed to be adopted than ever as lonely people sheltered at home. Unfortunately too many pets go unaltered every year, which means there will always be thousands of animals left to care for. Shelters like the Forsyth County Animal Shelter are finding themselves in need of foster parents, as well as volunteers.

Awesomely 80s Funny Videos

If someone had told me that in 2021 one of my favorite things to do would be to watch YouTube and TikTok videos when I was a teenager, I would have been so confused. But those are my own teen's favorite sources of entertainment (this generation isn't nearly as into movies as mine was!), and I tend to enjoy it right along with the kid these days.

Spring Must-Haves

Yesterday I saw a meme about a woman purchasing an off-shoulder dress to get her vaccine in and I had to laugh. Many of us really are looking forward to the little things these days and dressing up for a vaccine sounds like the highlight of the month for plenty of people! I might have to wear my off-shoulder shirt when I get mine!

Kangaroos Are Good At Drowning Other Creatures

When you think of a kangaroo, do you think of a creature that will fiercely drown you in a body of water? No? Yeah, me either. Normally I think of a hippo doing that. But it's true: kangaroos are known to drown other creatures, especially if pursued by them. It's really a genius move if you're trying to escape an animal chasing you, but it definitely conflicts with our idea that they're such cute animals.

Trans Girls Are Girls

Last night I spent the evening calling and writing all of my area representatives on committees that are hearing bills this week that are meant to do harm to trans kids. My heart breaks that people would introduce these bills. One of them is even my own local rep from my town. One bill, HJR 53, aims to ban trans girls from playing sports. Can you imagine being a kid or teen and not being allowed to play sports?

Cats on Road Trips

It's been a long time since we've been able to travel (I'm sure you can empathize!), but back when we did we always hired a pet sitter to feed and water our animals, take our dogs for walks and ensure everyone was happy and healthy. So when I saw that there are many people who enjoy taking their cats with them on trips, I was a little surprised.

Freakiest Frog Facts

At Frog Source, we sure love our frogs, but it goes without saying that there are some pretty strange facts about frogs. The poison factor is a favorite weird fact among frog lovers, as is the fact that our beloved amphibians drink through their skin and have two sets of lungs. But some facts are truly disturbing, especially if the frog is the prey.

What's Wrong With Family Guy?

Any type of parody or allegory is bound to have something wrong with it. It's the nature of the beast. The value of a parody, allegory or other comparative work isn't to be perfect. It's to mock, jest, entertain or raise awareness about an issue. That's probably why people who love adult cartoons like Family Guy go so easily on them when they critique more serious programs with a sharper tongue.

The Most Creative Recycled Crafts

At our house, we've been cleaning out a lot of junk during the pandemic and we have SO much recycled stuff saved for projects that I'm just going to have to get rid of a lot of it. But how do you decide what to keep? We do a lot of art challenges like GISH, which means it's very handy to have things like empty Pringles cans, old empty tealight holders and milk jugs on hand. (We used milk jugs to make Stormtrooper helmets one year, among other things!)

Freaky Plush Creatures

For a while, we collected creepy plush creatures. My family and I had everything from a yeti to a werewolf, the Monster High plushies to Egyptian gods and so many other creatures. We've kept a few of these over the years but I have to say, the ones they're coming up with lately are even better than the ones we collected once upon a time.

Your First Grateful Dead Song

Stories about first Grateful Dead experiences are circling around the Internet lately and it made me curious. Do you remember the first Grateful Dead song you ever heard and what it meant to you?

Sadly I don't, but I am sure I was quite young when it happened. My parents listened to The Dead and many other 70s bands while I was growing up and I honestly don't remember where or when it happened. I do remember singing along as early as six or seven.
